Personal Peak Performance
Goal Focused Series
Personal Peak Performance

Personal Peak Performance:

Goal Focused Series

6 Basic Personal Peak Performance Series Components

Class 1: Personal Peak Performance (2h)

Learn about the principles and essence of personal peak performance coaching and the role of flow state in bringing your goals to reality. We discuss health and wellbeing, definitions of peak performance, coaching, and other related approaches to maximizing your potential.

Class 2: Introduction to Goal Setting (2h)

In this class, we discuss the framework to achieve your personal peak performance. We explore the origins of goal-setting models, their relation to flow, and the power of a positive mindset. Participants identify and prioritize their wheel of life and embark on their roadmap for success.

Class 3: Understanding Types of Goals (2h)

In this class we discuss your potential goals, explore inspiration to forward the action. Participants consider their dream goal, end goal, performance goal, process goal. Current reality in relation to your primary goal is explored as well as strategies to overcome obstacles.

Class 4: Discover Your Strategic Options and Way Forward (2h)

In this class we explore maximizing choices, explore goal limiting assumptions, focus on creativity, map out realistic options that evoke awareness and deepen the learning of self and integrate self-care lifestyle choices

Class 5: Creating Your Mission, Vision & Positive Affirmations (2h)

Understand the stages of change and synthesize all that you have learned so far to create your personal, mission and vision statements, supported by smart goal positive affirmations, guided imagery and meditation.

Class 6: Journey Reflection, Celebrating Your Success (2h)

The final class in this series allows for reflection on goals achieved, challenges overcome and future plans to foster positivity, embrace joy and embrace personal peak performance as a way of life.
Class 1: Personal Peak Performance (2 hours)
Class 2: Introduction to Goal Setting (2 hours)

Class 3: Understanding Types of Goals (2 hours)

Class 4: Discover Your Strategic Options and Way Forward (2 hours)
Class 5: Creating Your Mission, Vision & Positive Affirmations (2 hours)
Class 6: Journey Reflection, Celebrating Your Success (2 hours)

Each online class is 2 hours through zoom

Per class rate: $75.00

12 hour series rate: $360

Classes can be taken individually or as a sequence

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Contact us for latest online class schedule through Zoom

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