Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ Coaching
- Why does a football team have a coach?
- Why do blue chip companies hire a mentor?
- Why do we want someone to help?
As we transition through life, change is inevitable whether at commencement or mid-flight. We can be subject to the changes, continuing with the same old same old habits and behaviors or we can take control and navigate our positive future bringing our goals into reality and ultimately be empowered to create the happiness we desire and deserve. If you want to create positive change in health, business, relationships, movement, exercise and more, coaching could be the catalyst and support you need to gain momentum to transition to the next evolution. Your willingness, readiness and motivation to focus on your own self-care, growth, health or business this provides a necessary mindset for successful coaching.
Coaching empowers the client(s) to make lasting behavior changes through a mind, body spirit approach. Each aspect of the wheel of life contributes to the whole person, once you identify areas for change (Self Assessment Wheel of Life) your coach partners with you to support readiness, willingness and positive life choices from increasing confidence to exercise from business to bringing your life goals and dreams into reality. Your Coach helps support you to discover innovative ways to successfully implement lifestyle and/or business behaviors in the areas you choose to ultimately bring greater health and happiness into your life.
Coaching empowers you to make lasting health and lifestyle behavioral changes that are the cornerstones achieving happiness. Your coaching plan explores values, goals and dreams of individuals, groups and corporations to support the greatest envisioned future for success. Your customized program culminates into optimizing mental, physical, spiritual and business peak performance utilizing the science of biophysics, human physiology, daily psychology, nutrition and business strategy as a mechanism to achieve your desired results.
• Your Coach works with the whole person, takes time to listen to your concerns and asks powerful questions to help access your motivation you to make positive change
• We use the Wheel of Life to guide inquiry, personal discovery and prioritize goals
• Coaching helps facilitate behavior change in a structured, supportive partnership between you and your coach, whether your goals are for individual health, happiness, business, career change, group or global goals
• Coaching can help you to identify obstacles and barriers and help to create strategies for forward movement
• Coaching provides an additional resources for making healthy, happy, behavior changes
• Sessions can take place over the telephone, by Skype or in person
Make an appointment for health coaching here
You can choose from individual sessions or packages that work best to optimize your journey. Based on the research below changing a habit can take a minimum of 2 months. We therefore recommend an initial commitment of three months. After the first consultation, a typical coaching client achieves one or two focused goals within three months of meeting twice per month. After that, you may choose new goals or continue on a monthly package for maintenance. More extensive goals may require coaching for six months to a year or more.
“On average, it takes more than 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact”.
– Phillippa Lally What does the research say?
Since health insurance coverage varies from different companies please contact your insurance provider/carrier. We do not guarantee coverage.
Integrative Health Coaching supports your conventional medical plan and medicines that are beneficial or essential for your health.
FAQ Hypnosis
HYPNOSIS IS a normal, natural state that we all experience in some way every day. Examples of daily hypnosis are: daydreaming, driving a car and realizing that you can’t remember the last three or four streets you passed, or worse, driving right past your exit! Another example is when you are so engrossed in a book or movie that you don’t hear someone speaking to you.
These are examples of a light hypnotic state. In these instances, the conscious part of the mind had been distracted, allowing the subconscious mind to take over.

All that is needed is the desire to be hypnotized and the ability to concentrate for a few moments. Your first consultation will include an assessment of your openness to hypnotic suggestion and your plan will crafted around the best method and type of suggestions you are open to.
Hypnosis is an effective tool for change that has quicker results than traditional therapies. It is a comfortable and safe process in which learning to relax deeply and focused attention is the key to success!
Everyone’s experience is slightly different, but most find it pleasant and enjoyable, saying that they felt relaxed and comfortable.
Book you initial free 15-30 minute coaching consultation here
NO ONE can be made to do anything that would go against his or her will or moral beliefs. While hypnotized, you will accept only those suggestions that you have agreed are beneficial to you.
NO. Even if the Hypnotist left the office while you were in a hypnotic state, you would either open their eyes, or drift off into a natural sleep and awaken naturally.
NO. In fact, it is usually found that stronger-minded and stronger-willed persons who want to be hypnotized achieve excellent results from hypnosis.
Office Information
- PUSH San Diego 4002 Park Blvd Suite E San Diego Ca 92103